How Important Is It To Be Healthy? Health Motivation

To make life prosperous and happy, many dimensions have to be taken into account. Keeping the body healthy & Health Motivation is a part of it. In this race of modernity, we often turn a blind eye to our health.

Or sometimes we are not able to understand the need for health. Today I will make you aware on the topic of health and will also present health motivation.

Health Motivation
Health Motivation

How Important is Health? Health Motivation

We do not often talk about health even though it should be at the top of the priority list. It is very important to be healthy to live a happy life.

Just consider whether you can enjoy any kind of happiness if you are physically sick and weak. Physical and mental diseases ruin our health.

And because of this, we sufferers start feeling weak and miserable. Being healthy is our nature. Disease is a kind of unnatural phenomenon which stays with most of the people throughout their life.

The health need is so great that you understand that a sick and weak man will always be in danger of his health. Health Motivation boosts your level of achieving success in health.

Waves of sadness pass around, an unhappy person makes others unhappy too.
Suffering is a disorder in which while happiness is our nature, the importance of health is not limited to the body only.

After the body, being healthy of the mind is also equally important.

If the mind is full of joy, inviting happiness and accepting life wholeheartedly, then the real meaning of health is revealed in life.

It is equally important for the body to be healthy as it is for the mind to be healthy. There should not be any kind of pain, disease or disorder in the body. With age the body becomes weak and helpless, but if the mind is healthy like a young man, then life becomes joyful.
Some measures are necessary to keep the body healthy.

Some Ways to Keep The Body Healthy

  1. Create your daily routine and take the first step towards keeping your body healthy.
  2. Right food is very important for our body. Choose the right diet to supply all these nutrients like protein, carbs and vitamins. Get information about the nutritional components of fruits, vegetables and grains and make your diet more beneficial for health.
  3. Avoid taking high calorie foods, also exclude fatty foods from your diet. And also reduce the use of sugar. All these components get stored in the body as fat, which later becomes the main reason for weight gain.
  4. Awareness is the main point of any change, if you are health conscious then you should have full knowledge on this subject and also be aware of your own health. You can read some books in which it has been scientifically explained in detail which
    What kind of exercise, diet, and routine is important for you?

Ways to Keep The Mind Healthy – Health Motivation

Meditation can prove to be a revolutionary step. Meditation is necessary to accept life, its ordinariness as well as its complex mystery, to live and know it. If our mind remains restless. Searching for something, remains troubled, meditation is the method which calms the mind. If the mind is calm then almost all the problems of life are solved, meditation is the only method which will lead you towards complete health.

1.By involving yourself in new and creative activities, you will experience a new kind of enthusiasm. Art is the presentation of the beauty of life. Be sure to find yourself in creative work like music, dance, etc.

2.Books can prove to be your best friend. It can also be helpful in highlighting your intelligence, thoughtfulness and talent. Books can give a glimpse of a new joy. You can start your journey with books from Novels and Poetry. Some more books I would like to suggest you to read.

  • Godaan – This is the most famous novel written by Premchand which will introduce you to many characters and their lives. Also, Premchand will put you in the dock of questions at many places in this work. Premchand has used the edge of his pen on all these delicate and deep parts like the duality of society, the falseness of personality, and the notion of exploiting and remaining exploited. It would be best if you read this book once.
  • Sambhog se Samadhi– If you are an open-minded person, and are not afraid of the truth of life. So this is the most famous book written by Osho (Acharya Rajneesh). Osho makes a wonderful attack on social and personal notions. You will get to see a different perspective in this book. Religious slavery has been challenged scientifically. There is a fight with the past, a call to change the present in this book. Using logic as a dagger, Acharya Rajneesh created a stir among intellectuals, moralists, religious fanatics and social scientists worldwide with this book. This book will shock you the most.


Health Motivation is very important to live a happy life. Staying healthy should be our priority because a sick and weak person becomes only a burden for himself and others. It is important to remain healthy at the level of body but it is equally important to remain healthy at the level of mind also. Most of us are healthy physically, but sick in mind. Our face gives a complete account of how suffering and sick we are at heart. To live life to its fullest joy, health should be our priority.

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