How To Get Rid of Porn Addiction


Are you tired of searching for the right way to deal with your porn addiction and get rid of porn addiction? Deleting pornographic content, deciding to keep yourself away from porn, taking commitments and blocking the internet access to porn will not help you to get rid of porn.

It only affects your willpower and gives a few results for a very short time. Today, you will get to know the right way and I should say the only way to get rid of porn addiction. Here, we talk about the psychology behind porn, the porn addiction symptoms, porn addiction effects and lastly some porn addiction books that will help you to get rid of porn.

How To Get Rid of Porn Addiction
How To Get Rid of Porn Addiction

Porn and Porn Addiction Symptoms

Porn is a source of instant sexual gratification that contains audio, video, images, magazines, games, etc. The pornography market increased very heavily last year and developed countries like America contributed a lot to it.

Although, watching porn is not something unnatural. Many psychologists believe that porn can become one of the sources of stress release, adding freshness to the mind and overall brightening the life force.

The problem arises when porn becomes a habit and then it turns into a complicated addiction. Eventually, you decide to stop the porn consumption but you find your body and mind are not obeying your decision. Every time you fail in stopping porn addiction. it affects your willpower.

How can you find that you are suffering from a complicated porn addiction? Here are some porn addiction symptoms:

  • Increased Time Consumption: Spending excessive hours watching porn, leading to neglect of responsibilities, work, or social interactions.
  • Escalating Usage: Needing more explicit or intense content to achieve the same level of arousal, leading to a loop of increased consumption.
  • Failed Attempts to Quit: Struggling to control or stop watching porn despite repeated efforts, undergoing withdrawal-like symptoms when attempting to refrain.
  • Interference with Daily Life: Disrupting daily routines, relationships, or work duties due to obsession with viewing pornographic material.
  • Emotional and Psychological Impact: Experiencing guilt, shame, or anxiety related to the consumption of porn, leads to a negative impact on mental health and self-esteem.
  • Distorted View of Sexuality: Developing unrealistic expectations or distorted perceptions of sexual relationships and intimacy based on exposure to pornographic content.

Porn Addiction Effects:

Porn addiction kills your self-esteem. Your feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety after watching the porn makes you empty from the inside. Your self-confidence continuously falls and you develop a bad image of yourself in your mind that destroys all your energy. You start to find yourself as a barrier in every situation because now you started to fight with yourself due to porn addiction.

Some other psychological effects of porn addiction are:

  • Over-sexual mind – porn is not real sex. It is a fantasy and this fantasy discomforts you in your mind during social interaction. It leads to continuous sexual thought that affects your mental and social health.
  • The feeling of guilt – porn addiction creates a feeling of guilt. You continue to watch porn but in the back of your mind you know you are doing something wrong. This is a big barrier that comes with personal development. Your personality will become weak, frightened, and defeated.
  • Emotional unwellness – research shows that people who suffer from porn addiction their emotional health is very bad. They suffer in relationships too because of narrow personalities due to porn addiction.

The social and physical effects of porn addiction are:

  • Social isolation – spending many hours on pornographic content makes you unfit for social interactions and consciously you will withdraw yourself from social indulgence. It impacts the personal and professional relationships.
  • Relationship struggle – excessive porn consumption leads to relationship strain. It is due to the lack of trust, lack of communication and even separation due to the absence of emotional connection.
  • Unrealistic expectations – viewing the unrealistic sex portrayed in porn makes your expectations beyond reality. It leads to a lack of sexual satisfaction, and a distorted perception of intimacy.
  • Sleep disturbance – physical effects of porn addiction like a disturbance in sleep. Prolonged porn watching at late night disturbs your sleep pattern and overall impact on your health.
  • Sexual dysfunction – in some cases of intense porn addiction. Individuals may suffer from sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction, and sexual performance.

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How to Get Rid of Porn Addiction

There is a simple and psychologically proven method to get rid of porn addiction. And that is, you have to learn to negotiate with yourself. If you fight with yourself then you are just wasting your energy and as a result, you get low confidence and low self-esteem.

Here, this is the right method to get rid of porn addiction in four easy steps:

Step 1: Change Your Mindset

Social norms and education put you in a situation to not accept yourself. Everything that you see is not your view, it’s the view of society. Social conditioning gives you the eye. Individual revolution makes a person meet their real individuality which is not influenced by society, culture, religion, education and morality.

This is the same scenario with porn. You came to porn to fulfil your bodily desire. But with time you feel it’s not right, this is due to social conditioning. Because if you feel something wrong from your heart then you can’t continue it. Now, you are trapped in a condition, where you feel bad for your action and then you continue it.

The first step to get rid of porn addiction is to change your mindset. Porn is not something to be shamed and feel guilty about all the time. Feeling guilty, and making continuous efforts to get rid of porn indulge you more in porn.

You think about porn all the time even if you want to stop it. Porn is still in your mind, no matter whether it is in your mind to end the addiction or enjoy the pleasure. But in both situations, your mind is filled with porn and this leads to more complications of porn addiction. 

Step 2: Involve Yourself in other Creative Works

Instead of making an effort to prevent yourself from the urge to porn watch. you should involve yourself in other creative activities. Try to understand that you can’t get rid of porn by making an effort to prevent yourself from porn urges. Because you are wasting energy, basically you want to stop porn addiction by thinking about porn.

Most people fail because initially they come to porn for pleasure and now they come to porn to end addiction. In both cases, they are thinking of porn and it will not work.

Investing energy to keep yourself away from porn is not going to work because your desire for porn is deeply rooted and you can’t defeat it.

You can only transform the energy. Suppression is far more dangerous and if you waste your life energy to suppress your urge to watch porn then you will never succeed.

People are insane because they invest half of their time in porn watching and the other half in suppressing the urge to watch porn.

Don’t waste your energy in suppression instead of it search for your favourite activities. Involve yourself in sports, music, art, reading, and exploring other skills.

Step 3: Transform Your Sexual Energy

Sexual energy should be transformed. You can start your self-improvement journey. Do meditation and uplift your energy.

Some psychologists and philosophers like Osho believe that sexual energy can only transform into love. And there are only two types of people in the world. First, those who are suffering from sexual energy. and try to suppress it and second, who transform their sexual energy into love, self-discovery and self-realisation.

” You will be surprised to know that sex and love are two opposite things. As love grows sex becomes less, and if love becomes less sex becomes more. The more loving you are the less sexual you will be, and if you are filled with love there will be nothing sexual inside you. But if there is no love, inside you everything will be sexual “

                                    — Osho

Step 4: Get Rid of Addiction

Get rid of any addiction just by shifting your focus to other beautiful things in life. The mistake that most people make is that they invest their energy to suppress the addiction. But it will never work because when you suppress, then something more powerful inside you is formed.

Making commitments and failing every time adversely affect your self-esteem and it impacts your overall personality and growth.

If you want to get rid of this habit or in a better way, you can also read self-help books for this. This is a book that I have come across or I have come across it myself, I would like to recommend to you too. Surely after reading this you will feel very good or you will be successful in choosing your habit.

The link is in front of you (Click Here) or you must read this book, it will prove very helpful to you in getting rid of this bad habit in your life.


Porn addiction is not a big deal. Don’t worry much about it, just take the right steps to transform yourself.

Never fight with oneself. Learn to negotiate because you will only destroy energy when you start fighting with your mind.

Shift your focus to the brighter side of your life. This is the best method to treat the addiction. Suppression never works, and it damages your confidence and self-esteem.

If you have more complications in porn addiction that you can’t treat by yourself then you must see the professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I stop watching porn daily?

A. Stopping daily porn consumption involves a gradual process. Begin by changing your routine and engaging in alternative activities that divert your focus from porn. It’s essential to understand your triggers and gradually replace the habit with healthier choices.

Q. How do I stop porn addiction?

A. Overcoming porn addiction requires a multifaceted approach. Changing your mindset about porn, engaging in creative activities, transforming sexual energy through self-improvement practices, and shifting focus away from addiction are key steps.

Q. How to stop watching porn at night?

A. To prevent late-night porn consumption, establish a bedtime routine that excludes electronic devices. Engage in relaxing activities, such as reading, meditation, or listening to soothing music, to help you relax and avoid the temptation of watching porn before sleep.

Q. How to stop watching porn?

A. Stopping porn consumption involves redirecting your attention and energy towards alternative activities. Engage in hobbies, physical exercise, creative endeavours, or social interactions to replace the habit of watching porn.

Q. How to get over my porn addiction to focus on my study?

A. To overcome porn addiction and focus on studying, create a structured schedule that includes study sessions, breaks, and engaging activities. Implement strategies to manage urges, such as setting study goals, seeking support, and utilising distraction techniques when the urge to watch porn arises.

Q. What does it feel like to get out of porn addiction?

A.Getting out of porn addiction can bring a sense of empowerment, improved self-esteem, and mental clarity. It allows you to rediscover a healthier perspective on relationships and intimacy, fostering personal growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

Q. What is the best way to stop a 5-year porn addiction?

A. Stopping a long-term porn addiction involves a commitment to change. It’s crucial to seek professional guidance if needed, develop a support network, adopt healthier habits, and implement strategies like mindfulness, self-reflection, and replacing the habit with positive activities.

Q. What are some of the scientific ways to quit porn addiction?

A. Scientifically, overcoming porn addiction involves understanding the neurological aspects behind addiction. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness, gradual desensitisation, and seeking professional help are effective approaches backed by research to address and overcome porn addiction.

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