
Think and consider how to work for yourself, as human evolution occurs our society becomes a more stressed and anxious environment which is not good for an individual to live a happy life. So much development in human civilization creates a burden of information and influences that kills the mystery around us. Life becomes more mathematical and predictable, turning people’s minds into ignorance of beauty, mystery and life.

Most of our actions are the same as robots, if it is so then it’s the alarm to rise and start working for yourself, start your journey in which you are the centre and controller, not the outside influences.

Our dreams, ambitions, and goals are all borrowed from society and we can’t live without them. It is not strange why self-improvement breakthroughs in the 21st century. It is because now we have reached the peak of logical development and our mind has touched the maximum of human potential. Now our generation and the upcoming one start working on preventing individuality, that identity which makes the difference between us and robots.

In today’s blog, we are going to find out some basic habits and tips to start working for oneself. Here we will discuss self-improvement-related things with psychological insights. So, remain with us and share your self-improvement journey with us.

Related: 10 simple ways to work on self-improvement


Start With These Four Habits in Daily Life

The self-improvement journey is a lifelong process of improving oneself for personal achievement and personal satisfaction. Basically in starting you have to consciously prevent yourself from so much outside influence. It is very important to start self-love healthily for self-improvement.

Here are four basic things you should start doing today if you want to work for yourself.


Morning Meditation – HOW TO WORK FOR YOURSELF

Starting with small changes can make your life transform. Morning meditation is one of the important activities to start the day with gratitude and blessings.

There are many types of meditation but the fundamentals of meditation are to cut the outside influences and to dive into the inner silence.

Meditation is a technique for instant mental peace and regular practice of meditation can make revolutionary changes by getting in touch with the real self. When your real identity meets you, then only your higher possibility of your personality opens.


You can practise simple meditation by following the given steps.

  • After waking up in the morning, do not try to touch the phone. Instead of it, keep 2 minutes of silence and focus on the sounds around you.
  • Keep the right posture according to your comfort. Make a 5-minute silence, and try to focus on your thoughts that are coming.
  • Don’t be judgemental of any thoughts and try to just observe without involving yourself.
  • Now, start focusing on breathing. Listen to the sound of inhaling and exhaling then just feel the silence.
  • Regular practice of this basic meditation can transform your life.

Only 10 minutes of morning meditation will make your day peaceful and blessed. Initially, it will be like a habit but when you find peace in silence it becomes your way of celebration.


Physical exercises are important for your overall well-being. It makes your body active by activating many biochemical pathways that help in mental health too. Exercise is not only for physique goals it encompasses emotional health, mental health and social health.

Make a definite workout plan for every day and add every type of exercise for flexibility, strength, and weight management.

Set realistic goals and work hard to achieve them, good habits take time to enter into a lifestyle. Your courage and patience are all needed for it.

Here are some of the benefits of regular exercise listed below;

  • Physical Health: Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and boost the immune system.
  • Mental Health: Exercise releases endorphins, which can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while promoting feelings of happiness and relaxation.
  • Weight Management: Engaging in physical activity helps burn calories, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of obesity-related conditions.
  • Improved Sleep: Regular exercise can enhance sleep quality and duration, leading to better rest and increased daytime energy levels.
  • Brain Function: Exercise stimulates brain cell growth and improves cognitive function, memory, and concentration.
  • Social Interaction: Participating in group activities or sports can foster social connections, reduce feelings of loneliness, and improve overall mood.
  • Longevity: Research suggests that regular exercise is associated with a longer lifespan and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Passionate Work

Once Steve Jobs stated that if you want to do great work, then fall in love with your work. I am saying choose a work that you are passionate about and which reflects your individuality.

Almost half of life goes into work which has no meaning in the end. Work is not for the purpose only, work is also for engagement, adventure and enjoyment. You can’t make yourself mentally peaceful if you are giving yourself half of the day for work by believing that it will pay in future.

Search for the right work that resonates with you, and give yourself a little dignity and freedom. You are not a machine, you have made the decision and now if you want to change you can change it. It’s you who is responsible for everything that is happening to you. Don’t be so scared and obsessed with security because your security has no security while it takes your whole freedom.

Everyone has their own choices of work and relaxation time activities but here I am telling you some of them to start and find your passion.

  • Music:  Engaging with music, whether through listening, playing an instrument, or singing, can evoke strong emotions, reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive abilities such as memory and attention. Music therapy is also used to address mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
  • Dance: Dancing is a powerful form of self-expression that promotes physical fitness, coordination, and balance. It releases endorphins, which can alleviate symptoms of depression and boost self-esteem. Dancing in groups fosters social connections and a sense of community.
  • Writing: Writing allows for creative expression, reflection, and exploration of thoughts and emotions. Journaling can clarify thoughts, reduce stress, and promote self-awareness and emotional regulation. Creative writing can serve as a cathartic outlet for processing experiences and fostering resilience.
  • Reading Fiction: Immersing oneself in fictional worlds through reading stimulates the imagination, empathy, and perspective-taking abilities. Fictional narratives can provide a sense of escape, relaxation, and inspiration. They also offer opportunities for personal growth by exploring diverse experiences and perspectives.
  • Cinema: Watching films can be both entertaining and thought-provoking, offering insights into human nature, society, and culture. Cinema provides a means of emotional catharsis, empathy-building, and perspective-taking. It can also spark creativity and inspire new ideas.

Sleep Schedule

As advancement occurs and technology starts entering our lifestyle, sleep is a more affected element from them. Technology gives us the chance to upgrade the human consciousness but as always, we have been using technology to become robots in real life. Many new influencers and public figures who promote workaholic culture are advising everyone to reduce their sleep time so that they can work for more hours.

Is it not stupidity at all? They are saying to become robots who work without asking for anything. Now the result is highly dangerous, according to an American report nearly 30â„… adults sleep less than six hours. This is one of the reasons for poor mental health, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many more.

Sleep is the most important part of our daily life. Our body needs to relax because a lot of hormonal and neural coordination occurs in sleep.

At the Physical level, During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, muscles, and cells. It also regulates hormones involved in growth, appetite control, and immune function. Consistent sleep supports a healthy immune system, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and promotes physical recovery and vitality.

At the psychological level, sleep is important for emotional well-being. It helps in changing the mood, relieving emotional trauma and helping in maintaining healthy emotional and mental coordination.

Other than that, at a spiritual level, sleep is very important because it is the time when the ego is almost dissolved and your consciousness expands. In sleep your subconscious mind is active that is in coordination with the universe. Sleep helps in ending the tension that is created at any level (physical, emotional, psychological, social) due to ego. The ego is the reason for every suffering and sleep is the time when your ego disappears for some time.

Maintain a good sleep pattern to enhance your productivity and overall well-being.


This is how you can start working for yourself. It demands a huge courage because we all love our security but security can kill you. If you want to be alive then always prepare for a war in which you may die. Courage and patience are needed for transformation.

Start with the above-discussed four basic habits then experiment with yourself a little more. You need to observe the changes in yourself that will be the only motivation because no one beyond you can motivate you. You know yourself and remember to treat yourself like you treat your loved ones. Self-improvement is not torturing oneself, instead starts loving yourself.


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